The Red Cross reports eighty percent of Americans do not understand that small house fires are the most common disaster in the U.S. When these fires happen, there can be an immense amount of house fire aftermath throughout the entire house, both outside and inside. Fire restoration is necessary after a fire so you can salvage as much as possible, and remove items that have been too seriously damaged.

Checklist For What to do After a House Fire

A house fire is a very devasting and traumatic experience for a homeowner. Fires move quickly and within just a few minutes, sometimes seconds, belongings and property can be damaged, and a homeowner is left wondering how to start the task of fire restoration and clean up.

This checklist will help you through the distressing experience of a house fire:

The first thing you want to do after experiencing a house includes these five important steps:

  • Call a professional restoration service, such as Austin Fire & Flood
    • A fire restoration service, such as Austin Fire & Flood will help you through the entire recovery process. They will advise you on the steps needed to take based on how severe the fire was and the extent of the damages. It is best to wait for them to come on the scene before entering your damaged home. 
  • Call your home insurance agent
    • Contacting your insurance company is important and listed as one of the first five steps to take after a fire. They will issue you a claim number and set up a time and day the claims adjuster will come to inspect the damages. When you get the visit scheduled from the claims adjuster, you need to check with Austin Fire & Flood and make sure one of their specialists is with you during the claim check. 
  • Recover items
    • You should never enter a house that has experienced a fire unless a professional from Austin Fire & Flood accompanies you, or the Fire Marshall approves your entry. The fire restoration process includes taking an inventory of all your damaged items. From the list you provide, and the damage they see inside the burnt home, they will create an inventory sheet for you. The sheet will include as much information as possible to ensure you are compensated for lost items by your insurance. 
  • Record any purchases of products or services
    • Your time spent recovering from a house fire may involve having to live in different housing. Keep track of any spending you have to do involving toiletries, clothing, meals, housing, meals, and other out-of-the-ordinary expenses you incur. It is important to have receipts if your insurance company reimburses for these types of expenses. 
  • Suspend or cancel subscriptions or utilities
    • Suspend or cancel any subscriptions or utilities, such as your cable, water, electric, and internet. You may want to check with the Post Office to hold or redirect your mail service until your home is rebuilt or restored and you can move back in. 

The above are the most important steps to take after a house fire, but there are other steps to take as well.

6. Secure your property

While your home may be covered by your insurance for fire damages, if damage happens after the fire, such as inclement weather or vandalism, these incidents may not be covered. Protect your home from theft and weather as soon as possible.

7. Plumb out any excess or remaining water

If you have to leave your home, even temporarily, shut off the water so there are no unnoticed issues that can occur from compromised plumbing.

Where to Learn More on What to do After a House Fire

Austin Fire & Flood has certified technicians with extensive knowledge and training in fire restoration. We are a local company that understands how devasting a house fire can be and are ready to help you through the entire process. Contact us if you’ve suffered a house fire and learn how our use of the latest technology will help you through fire restoration quickly and professionally.